martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017


This make befuddled us, yet the essential thing here is to realize that the appropriate response won't be negative, in spite of the fact that in the discussion we hear negative articulations.

(man) How did they get to their grandmother’s house in Matine in only five hours?

(woman) They didn’t drive slowly on the trip to Maine.

(narrator) What does the woman say about the trip?

Possible answers:

(A)   They drove rather quickly.
(B)   They couldn’t have driven more slowly.
(C)   They wanted to travel slowly to Maine.
(D)   They didn’t drive to Maine.

The correct answer is answer (A). If they did not drive slowly to Maine, this means that they drove rather quickly.  Notice that the correct answer uses quickly, the opposite of slowly. The answers that use slowly are not correct.

For more information watch the video:

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